We Think We’ll Skip This Bath
After a long day of sightseeing and running around a new town, all you want to do is run a nice, warm bath. But, then you see this water running in the bathtub. Unless our eyes are playing tricks on us, that water is orange.
In this hotel, it seems you’d best avoid showers, baths, and drinking water at all costs. In fact, maybe just leave the place quickly if you see any fluids that are this color.
Check the Coffee Pot
This poster was extremely shocked to open the coffee pot only to be greeted with sludge and muck. Not to mention, the very real possibility of a new form of fungus. We’re still not sure what is going on inside that coffee machine.
Are there mushrooms growing there? Now, mushroom coffee is quite expensive so let’s not be ungrateful. But, we still think we might give this delicacy a miss.
All Grimed Up
This poster spent an exhausting day traveling, only to discover the horrors waiting for them in the bathroom. We’d never seen anything this bad. Perhaps housekeeping simply missed this room today?
When they spoke to reception, they were advised to use another toilet outside their room if they didn’t want to use this toilet. There’s no possible way anyone could or would willingly use this toilet.
At first glance, the room looked clean enough, and the bathroom did as well. However, this poster was surprised to see bite marks on the toilet’s pull handle. Nothing makes us cringe more than knowing someone’s mouth has been anywhere near a toilet, let alone the pull handle.
We are still unsure why a hand was not good enough to get the job done. The worst part is there are actually pieces missing. Did they eat those? So many questions.
Do You Love Bed Bugs?
We can’t say we do, but that’s precisely what has been lurking inside this hotel room. Creepy crawly bed bugs throughout the beds and couches. This room is not for the faint-hearted. But, if you are up for the challenge, then give this room a try.
You might even be able to get a discount on the price if you last the night. Unfortunately, they didn’t last the night. We couldn’t have been more disgusted and left in an itchy frenzy.
Pool Included
This poster and their family ended up at this hotel when they read that they have a beautiful pool that’s fun for the whole family. They got Themselves ready to head to the pool; everyone was excited. Unfortunately, the hotel forgot to mention the pool is not usable and should be deemed a health hazard.
If you take a closer look at the picture and focus on the contents of the pool itself, you can see junk thrown into there. Oh, but it’s not just regular trash. Yes, those are indeed toilets.
Fertile Ground
It’s always nice when you get to your hotel room and have something extra you didn’t ask or pay for. It usually comes in the form of some pillow chocolates or a nice pack of soaps. This hotel is a little different — it offers mushrooms growing out from under a cupboard.
Unfortunately, we’re a little disgusted and don’t appreciate it. It definitely isn’t an optional extra we would have chosen. What can you do — chill out with the mushrooms, or move on?
Room With a View?
As you walk into this room, the first thing that catches your eye is the beautiful view. You can see the sea and the skyscrapers — it’s just stunning. Unfortunately, the whole “room with a view” description was a little dramatized.
Upon further investigation, you’d be shocked to discover the view is actually a poster of skyscrapers overlooking the water. Who wouldn’t want to watch the roof fan do its thing and the poster blow in the wind?
Has Cousin IT Come to Stay?
When climbing into bed in your hotel after a day of exploring, you expect warm, clean sheets. In this bed, though, there was a bunch of hair lying on the sheets.
This poster was totally freaked out and left the hotel without even bothering to get their deposit back. This just proves that the cleaning crew in this hotel really doesn’t do its job.
Do You Dare Take the Elevator?
After a long day of walking, this person couldn’t wait to use the elevator instead of walking up all those stairs. But, unfortunately, instead of being excited, they were more scared for their lives.
A note was left stating there was no safety certificate, no maintenance had been carried out, and you would have to use it at our own risk. What a disgrace! But, the real question is — do you hurt your feet even more or risk your life on this terrifying elevator?
Cooking Up a Feast
If this hotel serves anything mushroom-related, then we would be very suspicious as to where they are getting their mushrooms from. If they only need a few, they can just pluck them from the door frame, no problem.
This is gross and does not look good in a hotel. It’s safe to say it would turn anyone off from eating there, let alone sleeping in their beds or showering in the bathroom.
So Confused
Well, this is a hotel no one could ever forget. The hotel looked regular, clean, and fresh. This poster was happy to be staying here. While the kettle was boiling, they read over the booklet sitting on the cabinet — and that’s when they reached this page.
Look at the picture carefully; that is indeed a kettle on the tray, but we are unsure why the kettle wasn’t removed, which would have saved them from having to write the warning sign in the first place.
Swiming With the Fishes
Wow, who would have known there were fish in this tank? The only tell-tale sign is the glimpse of white and orange you can see. Not only does this make for an eyesore for those staying at the hotel, but it clearly lacks maintenance and care.
If this is what their fish tank looks like, imagine the corners they cut in the bedrooms. But, at least the fish would have difficulty finding each other if they decided to play hide-and-seek.
Brush it Off
What can we say about this toilet brush? This was found during a hotel stay. Shockingly, this was actually from a room. We’re not even sure what is going on here.
I don’t think we have seen anything grosser, and there is no way we will be using that toilet, let alone its brush. This is one of those things people wouldn’t believe unless shown photo evidence.
So, the ceiling collapsed, and water was pouring out. But, it’s okay. Just shut the door, and no one will see it! That looks like the attitude they were going with in this hotel.
Maybe they thought people would just ignore the problem until it went away — kind of like the hotel staff already did. This looks more like an abandoned building than a fully functional hotel. Well, semi-functional.
So, the question here is, how does this sink actually work? It was obviously in the right spot but was either not installed correctly, or it wasn’t ever installed in the first place.
Hopefully, this was fixed this time by somebody who knows what they are doing. Will they release a tutorial on how to use the sink on the floor?
Tiny Warning
This poster couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw the warning sign near their door that stated there was asbestos nearby. Asbestos is known for being very dangerous and causing severe lung problems.
We’re definitely grateful that they, at least, warned people about how deadly their hotel was. Too bad it’s so small that it might just be too little, too late. This is a horrible health hazard.
Better to Freeze
A split system to keep us comfortable is just what we need after a cold winter vacation day. However, after checking out this heating system, you might want to rethink that dubious luxury.
It certainly isn’t in working condition, not to mention the strange gunk left inside of it. Is it dirt? Rust? Whatever it was, it hadn’t been cleaned in a long time. We think we’d rather just freeze.
Melting Away
The heat lamp is clearly burning the door here, and nobody seems to be concerned. What worries us the most here is that this is how it was found by the poster of this photo. Surely the previous clients mentioned this to the staff, but it remains like this.
I guess all we can say here is that we hope they have insurance. Who doesn’t want a little fire while trying to keep warm in the bathroom?
A Whole New Meaning to Clean Linen
The hotel specifically said this room had clean linen waiting for the poster. So, when they walked in, this was the aforementioned ‘clean’ linen.
This goes way beyond unpleasant and into the gross and unsanitary territory. Obviously, the poster left, completely disgusted, and feeling sick as they rushed out of there.
Super Cheap Hotel
This mess was all found in one single hotel room. It has clearly been a while since any kind of maintenance or deep cleaning was done in this place. A smoke detector like this one ain’t going to do much except fall and give someone a big headache.
Time to bring your own smoke detector to ensure a good night’s sleep. Also, can we just talk about weird it is to just leave a full cheeseburger in the room’s microwave? Clearly, this room is showing its price.
What is Under the Bed?
Funnily enough, we all get curious when entering a hotel room. We like to know that things are clean. This poster decided to snoop a bit and found this cute note. The message read: ”It’s good to be curious! So yes, we do clean under here too.”
We still aren’t sure what to be more upset about — that they knew we were going to look under the bed, or the fact that they clearly haven’t cleaned there in weeks?
Don’t Tap That
A quality hotel is one that is loyal to its description. Even includes quality orange tap water. We might be a bit too scared to find out exactly what caused the water to be so orange.
Bottled water will do for brushing the teeth tonight. How on earth can a hotel consider this safe and hygienic? Perhaps they need to change their description from quality to high quantity orange, dirty water.
Jacuzzi Time?
It’s been so long since this poster last experienced a jacuzzi, and they couldn’t wait. But, look at that green water. This is one sludge we’d rather not try out.
Clearly, this is no longer a warm and relaxing jacuzzi. Instead, it’s been converted by nature and neglect into an algae and bacteria habitat. At least it saves people a trip to the aquarium.
Bed Mates
So, it looks like this poster has a few extra guests staying in the room tonight. This room doesn’t just have bed bugs. It’s the source of it.
Imagine how many DNA profiles are in that bed from all the bites made by those bed bugs. When asking if you have to share a room, make sure that question includes bed bugs.
Mixed Nuts
This poster was sitting down enjoying a bowl of entrée nuts. All was good and well until they noticed a nut that looked slightly different from the others. Upon closer examination, they saw it was actually medication.
This has to be a health code violation, right? In any case, we think we would skip these dangerous snacks and just stick to things we bought ourselves while staying in this hotel.
Don’t Flip The Mattress
Lesson learned: do not flip the mattress over when you enter the motel room. Everything will look nice and clean, and fresh sheets will appear on the bed, but don’t be fooled. The other side of the mattress can reveal all sorts of dirty secrets.
This mattress sends shivers around the room along with the big question of what happened to leave a big stain on there. Don’t let yourself be the next victim.
Underwear Drawer
If you are guilty of leaving your dirty underwear at home, no worries, this hotel has you covered. A drawer with dirty underwear with a few different varieties to choose from. What more could you want?
Before trying them on, you might want to ask the staff if they are complimentary or whether they incur a charge when you use them. A big and gross shout out to whoever left them behind for the next person!
The Grass Is Greener in the Other Pool
This poster was very excited to learn their hotel had a swimming pool as it was going to be the highlight of their trip. Sadly, what they found didn’t quite meet their high expectations.
It seems that the hotel let the grass fill in and grow there but didn’t bother taking out the pool frame or ladder. Lazy much? Many people choose hotels for the option of having a pool. How many were disappointed with this one?
Upon first glance, the bed looks clean and seems fine until you take a closer look. Those little spots are not dust or dirt. They are bed bugs. You read that right — BED BUGS. Didn’t we cover this one already?
No, this is a DIFFERENT story about bed bugs. This is one of the worst things to see in a bed. Nothing good about being bitten all night long and left with crazy bug bites all over. These are a type of company we will happily reject.
Fixed It
Why would you repair a ceiling with plaster and then repaint it when you can just shove a napkin in the hole? It’s budget-friendly and isn’t time-consuming.
We’re not sure what they were thinking here, but apparently, a napkin pushed into a hole will suffice in a hotel shower. We’re pretty worried about other repairs in the hotel. For example, did they use a few folded napkins to support a collapsing wall?
Mushrooms Please?
Mushrooms on the carpet of hotel rooms must be the new trend. This new decor item might seem cute in some places, but here, it’s just gross.
This carpet might look like a lush forest floor, but that’s probably the last thing you want to see on your hotel room’s floor. The whole carpet needs ripping up and burning!
Swim Away
The pool itself looks fantastic. It’s nice and big and has plenty of seating around it. The problem is you just can’t swim in it. But, we can tell you it is a picture you can smell without even being there.
People might be attracted to hotels thanks to some of them having swimming pools, but we’d like to know how many went home after seeing this one.
Don’t Expect Clean Linen
There are two sides to this one — a funny one and a not-so-hilarious one. We can sit there and laugh about the men’s underwear left amongst the sheets and say, “High five, you had a good time.”
On the other hand, how disgusting is that, and why were the sheets not changed? The lesson of the day — bring clean sheets from home and do a sheet change yourself before going to bed just to be safe.
The Big Screen
This motel room description states there is a TV in the room with lots of movie channels. After a big day exploring, nothing sounded better to us than sitting down and watching a movie.
But, to everyone’s surprise, this was the screen size. Well, it might be better to go to the local restaurant, curl up with some entrees, and enjoy the show. Of course, you can always go to the shops and buy magnifying glasses if you prefer to have a night in.
A New Look at Hotel Fitness
This gym rat wanted to ensure that there was a gym available wherever they stayed, whether for work or pleasure. So, they got ready and dressed in their gym gear, ready to lift some weights.
Then they found this place. Just look at the pattern on those chairs. Perhaps we could climb them as a cardio workout, then finish off on the treadmill hiding in the darkness.
Life Can Grow Anywhere
We should be happy that life can start anywhere, but we wouldn’t be too pleased if mushrooms decided to take up residence in our room. Unfortunately, the humidity was so high in this person’s room that mushrooms started growing.
It doesn’t seem like anyone wanted to remove them before their stay. Oh well, not to worry, mushroom soup sounds like a great plan for dinner. A little seasoning and — yummy.
Hmm, this was one we struggled to understand. Was there a shortage of tv mounts, or did the hotel staff just decide this was the easiest way to mount the TV?
You just can’t help but laugh at the pure laziness of deciding to tape a new flat-screen TV to an old, bulky TV.
Electric Shower
This picture is confusing. But, this is a real picture taken from a hostel. Did the plumber fitting the shower not question its location? If this was a DIY job, was anyone concerned about being electrocuted?
When the hotel loses power, we can say, “yep, someone is having a shower.” Although this is extremely dangerous, we couldn’t help but laugh at its incompetence.
Head Room
This room came with the very apt description of “room with a view with low ceilings.” That’s technically true. It just so happens that the view in question happens to be of a brick wall.
As for the ceilings — clearly, the poster didn’t expect them to be quite this low. Let’s just say that anyone staying here might want to pre-book an appointment with a good chiropractor.
Whether traveling for business or pleasure, having a comfortable and clean hotel is important. Unfortunately, that’s not always the case. Some hotels, like these, are truly disastrous. Here we have some shocking, disgusting hotels people actually stayed in and had to share on the internet so we could all gag in disgust with them. Hold on tight — we are in for a hairy (literally) ride.